No.1 英國醫生選用 No.1 Prescribed by UK Doctors*

Oilatum®, the First Line
Protection for Your Baby


To protect your baby's delicate skin from everyday challenges, our scientists use their knowledge on skin care and the latest developments in dermatology to ensure Oilatum® is the first line of protection, soothing dry, itchy and eczema-prone skin. All products are gently formulated, free of steroids, colourants and soap, to give the best protection and to take special care of your baby.

深層滋潤 Emollient


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日常防護 Soothe & Protect


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深層滋潤 Emollient


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Trusted by Mothers

NO.1 英國醫生之選* No.1 Prescribed by UK Doctors*

百年以來,Oilatum®研究團隊一直於世界各地鑽研皮膚專科技術,產品深受全球愛戴。Oilatum®嬰兒產品系列專為乾燥及濕疹性肌膚研製,更是 No.1英國醫生之選*。全線產品不含類固醇、色素及皂性成分,為BB建立第1道防線。 For a century, our scientists from around the world have been working to improve dermatology science, ensuring our products are loved by consumers around the world. Oilatum® baby products are developed for dry skin, including skin prone to eczema, and is the No.1 choice recommended by UK doctors*. All products are steroids free, colourants free and soap free, providing the first line of protection for your baby.

*PCA data. Value of sales June 2016 to May 2019. NHS Business Services Authority: UK.


3重滋潤 最強後盾 The Triple-Action Protection

Oilatum®可於皮膚表面形成「OHE 3重滋潤膜」,兼具鎖水(Occlusive)、補水(Humectant)及潤膚(Emollient)功能,有助儲存肌膚水分,提供長時間滋潤,紓緩乾燥痕癢,護理濕疹性肌膚。 Oilatum® forms the OHE Hydration Film on the skin's surface generating special features occlusive, humectant and emollient, locking in moisture for long-lasting hydration, soothing dry, itchy and eczema-prone skin.

長達8小時滋潤* Up to 8-Hours* of Comfortable Skin

臨牀研究證實,Oilatum®可即時紓緩肌膚不適,每日使用,更可預防乾燥痕癢,功效長達8小時*。 Oilatum® is clinically proven to provide immediate relief of skin discomfort. Daily use can prevent dry skin and itching for up to 8 hours*.

*Data on file, 2014.

訪問患者及臨牀研究證實效用 Proven with Clinically Tested and Patient Surveys

臨牀研究證實,Oilatum®潤膚產品可即時紓緩不適,每日使用,有助預防肌膚問題。 Oilatum® emollient series is clinically proven to provide immediate relief of skin discomfort. Patient surveys confirm its everyday protection from skin issues.

We Protect Delicate Skin by Moisturising

專家指出,初生BB表皮比成人薄30%*,而天然保護層在1歲前尚未完全發展,因此肌膚更為幼嫩,易受外界刺激。 Scientists have found that a baby's skin is 30% thinner* and more delicate compared to adults, as its natural protective barrier develops throughout the first year of life, making it more susceptible to external irritants. *Telofski L.S. Et Al. The Infant Skin Barrier: Can we preserve: Protect, and enhance the barrier? Dermatology Research and Practice. 2012:2012 ART.ID 198789.

BB肌膚健康Share Happily Recommended for
Healthier Skin


After trialling Oilatum® with their babies, 85% of mothers were satisfied with the results, and 100% of them would recommend Oilatum® to their friends.*

*根據香港媽咪為小朋友試用Oilatum® Baby Bath Emollient及Oilatum® Baby Cream Emollient 1星期後的網上問卷調查, RKPI, Dec 2019

*Online survey of mothers in Hong Kong whose children had tried Oilatum® Baby Bath Emollient and Oilatum® Baby Cream Emollient for one week. RKPI, Dec 2019.

常見問題 Frequently Asked


Find the answers to questions about our products and how to take care of your baby's skin.

銷售點 Where to Buy

聯絡我們 Contact Us

STADA Pharmaceuticals (Asia) Ltd
Units 801B-802A, 8/F, Tower B, Manulife Financial Centre,
223-231 Wai Yip Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong
經銷商:DKSH Hong Kong Ltd.
客戶服務熱線:2895 9668
Distributed by:DKSH Hong Kong Ltd.
Customer Hotline:2895 9668
紓緩防護系列 Frequently Asked Questions


Find the answers to questions about our products and how to take care of your baby's skin.

一般問題 General

甚麼是Oilatum® What is Oilatum®?

Oilatum®嬰兒潤膚產品專為紓緩肌膚乾燥研製,更是No.1英國醫生之選*。60多年來,糅合科研智慧及皮膚科醫生經驗,為BB建立第1道防線。Oilatum®於肌膚形成「OHE 3重滋潤膜」,經臨牀研究證實,有效紓緩乾燥痕癢,護理濕疹性肌膚,滋潤長達8小時。Oilatum®備有深層滋潤及日常防護兩大系列,全線產品不含類固醇、色素及皂性成分,細心呵護肌膚。

Oilatum® baby products are designed for relief of dry skin and is the No.1 choice recommended by UK doctors*. For more than 60 years, our scientists have applied their knowledge on skin care and the latest developments in dermatology to ensure Oilatum® is the first line of protection for your baby. Oilatum® forms the OHE Hydration Film on the skin's surface, and is clinically proven to soothe dry, itchy and eczema prone skin for up to 8 hours. All of our Emollient and Soothe & Protect series are free of steroids, colourants, fragrances and soap, with no added preservatives including parabens, MIT and CMIT, ensuring the special care needed for your skin.

*PCA data. Value of sales June 2016 to May 2019. NHS Business Services Authority: UK.

甚麼是「OHE 3重滋潤膜」? What is OHE Hydration Film?

Oilatum®可於皮膚表面形成「OHE 3重滋潤膜」,兼具鎖水(Occlusive)、補水(Humectant)及潤膚(Emollient)功能,有助儲存水分,提供長時間滋潤,紓緩乾燥痕癢,護理濕疹性肌膚。 Oilatum® forms the OHE Hydration Film on the skin's surface generating special features occlusive, humectant and emollient, locking in moisture for long-lasting hydration, soothing dry, itchy and eczema-prone skin.

皮膚為何乾燥受損? How does skin become dry and damaged?

當皮膚表面保護層薄弱時,水分會更快流失,令外界因素及刺激物乘虛而入,影響自然平衡及皮膚細胞再生,縮短皮膚生命周期。並進一步破壞天然保護層,引致乾燥、痕癢及過敏。由於初生BB表皮比成人薄30%*,保護層在1歲前尚未完全發展,因此肌膚更為幼嫩,容易受到外界刺激。 When the skin barrier is vulnerable, it can quickly lose moisture allowing environmental factors or external irritants to more easily penetrate the skin's protective layers. This further damages the skin's natural protective layer and disrupts skin cell renewal, shortening their life cycle causing dry, itchy and irritated skin. During the first year of life, the protective barrier is not fully developed and a baby's skin is 30% thinner compared to an adult's*, and as such is more delicate and susceptible to external irritants.


Oilatum®適合甚麼人使用? Who should use Oilatum®?

Oilatum®適合皮膚乾燥、易患痕癢及濕疹人士使用,可即時紓緩不適。尤其適用於嬰兒及小童幼嫩皮膚。 Our products are suitable for users with dry, itchy and eczema prone skin for immediate relief of discomfort. It is especially suitable for babies and children with delicate skin.
產品使用 Product usage

Oilatum® 如何產生效用? How does Oilatum® work?

Oilatum®專家了解乾性皮膚生命周期,憑藉深厚科學知識,研製紓緩乾燥痕癢及護理濕疹性肌膚的潤膚產品,減少肌膚不適及受損。透過補充水分,修復保護層,加強對乾燥、刺激及致敏原的防禦能力。首次使用Oilatum®即可保護肌膚;每日使用,有助預防乾燥痕癢及紓緩濕疹性肌膚。 Our scientists understand the life cycle of dry skin and use their knowledge and expertise to design products which can soothe your baby's dry, itchy, irritated and eczema prone skin and protect it from further discomfort and damage. By restoring moisture, readjusting the skin's moisture barrier to become more resilient to dryness, irritants and allergens. Our products help to protect your baby's skin from the first use. Everyday use can help prevent dry, itchy, irritated skin and provide long-lasting relief for eczema-prone skin.

使用Oilatum®嬰兒潤膚浸浴乳後,應否用水沖洗? Do I need to rinse after using Oilatum® Baby Bath Emollient?

Used with water, Oilatum® Baby Bath Emollient is an effective cleanser for the whole body including dry, irritated areas. You don't need to rinse after bathing.
Bath for babies: Add 1/2 to 2 capfuls to a small bath of water. Apply gently over the entire body with a baby handkerchief. No need to rinse. Pat dry gently.
Bath for children: Add 1-3 capfuls to a 20 cm bath of water. Soak for 10-20 minutes. No need to rinse. Pat dry gently.
Shower: Apply a small amount onto wet skin. Massage gently. Rinse and pat dry gently.

Oilatum® 是否含有香料? Do Oilatum® products contain fragrance?

Oilatum®深層滋潤系列不含類固醇、色素、香料及皂性成分,配方溫和,全面呵護BB肌膚。 Oilatum® Emollient series contains a gentle formula free of steroids, colorants , fragrances and soap to fully protect your baby's skin.
嬰兒護理 Baby care

如何為初生嬰兒洗澡? How should I bathe my newborn baby?




  • 準備浸浴時,將浴室溫度調校至20-22°C,為初生BB營造溫暖舒適環境。
  • 初生BB浸浴,使用嬰兒浴盆或乾淨洗衣盆較為方便。嬰兒肌膚非常幼嫩,水溫應和暖,大約37-38°C,不宜太熱,可用溫度計量度或以手肘測試。
  • 可用清水或加入Oilatum®嬰兒潤膚浸浴乳,後者配方溫和,有效清潔肌膚,初生BB亦可使用。
  • 冷、熱水必須攪勻,確保不會過熱,方可將BB放入水中。
  • 脫去衣服後,將BB放於換片墊上,用棉花洗面,輕輕印乾。然後小心托起BB於浴盆上方,用清水洗頭,再抹乾頭髮—可請家人或朋友幫手。
  • 除尿片,將BB放入水中,並以單手托住BB頭部及肩膀,輕輕用水洗身。
  • 浴後,用溫暖柔軟毛巾印乾肌膚,免致乾燥不適。



  • 準備1盆溫水(37-38°C),可用清水或加入Oilatum®嬰兒洗髮沐浴露,後者配方溫和,有效清潔肌膚,初生BB亦可使用。
  • 將浴室溫度調校至20-22°C,為初生BB營造溫暖舒適環境,然後將BB放於換片墊上。
  • 用潔淨棉花或紗巾沾上溫水,由鼻向外輕抹眼睛周圍。每隻眼睛用1片潔淨棉花。
  • 更換乾淨棉花,清洗BB耳朵四周。以同樣方法清洗面部其餘位置、頸及雙手,然後用溫暖柔軟毛巾印乾肌膚。
  • 除去尿片,用潔淨棉花或紗巾清洗臀部及私處,然後印乾。清潔面部及臀部可用不同顏色紗巾,以作識別。



Giving your baby a bath is no easy task, the following guide provides some useful tips for bathing your newborn baby:


Ask your partner or a friend to help you at bath time (especially the first few times) until you're more used to it.

  • In preparation for bath time heat the bathroom to 20-22°C, so the room is a comfortable temperature for your newborn.
  • You may find it easiest to use a baby bathtub or a clean laundry tub to bathe your newborn. The water temperature should be warm, not hot, as your newborn baby's skin is very delicate. Use a bath thermometer to check that the water is around 37-38°C. Alternatively, you could use your elbow to check the water temperature.
  • You can use plain water or Oilatum® Soothe & Protect Baby Bath Foam which contains ultra gentle, effective cleansers and is suitable for newborn babies.
  • Always mix the water well to ensure there are no hot patches before you put your baby in the water.
  • Once undressed, lay your baby on a changing mat and clean their face with cotton wool. Gently pat dry, then wash their hair with plain water, carefully supporting them over the baby bathtub or bowl, then dry their hair gently.
  • Remove their nappy and lower your newborn into the water using one hand to support their head and shoulders. Carefully swish the water over your baby.
  • Gently pat skin dry with a warm, soft towel after their bath to help prevent dryness and discomfort.

Topping and tailing

Aside from bathing your baby, you can help keep their skin clean by topping and tailing, which will help wipe away dirt that the skin has accumulated throughout the day.

  • Prepare a bowl of warm water (37-38°C). You can use plain water or choose Oilatum Soothe & Protect Baby Head to Toe Wash, which contains ultra gentle, effective cleansers and is suitable for babies, even from day one.
  • Heat the bathroom to 20-22°C, so the room is a comfortable temperature for your newborn before laying them on a changing mat.
  • Dip some cotton wool or a clean cloth in plain, warm water and wipe gently around your baby's eyes from the nose outwards, using fresh cotton wool for each eye.
  • Using fresh cotton wool, wash around your newborn's ears. Cleanse the rest of their face, neck and hands in the same way, then gently pat their skin dry with a warm, soft towel.
  • Take off your baby's nappy and wash their bottom and genital area with fresh cotton wool or a clean cloth, then gently pat dry. If you're using cloths instead of cotton wool, choose different colours to help you remember which one is for the face and which is for the bottom.

Drying and moisturising

Your newborn's skin is especially delicate because the skin's barrier is still developing throughout the first year of their life. Always dry your baby's skin after bathing but take care not to rub it. Gently pat skin dry with a soft, warm towel and carefully dry between the skin folds and creases. Apply moisturising lotion before putting on a nappy and dressing baby in a cotton sleep-suit, ready for bed. Cotton is a natural fabric that can help keep your baby's dry skin comfortable.

如何讓寶寶睡得更久? How can I help my baby sleep for longer?










The better your baby sleep, the better you can sleep too. Here are some tips from experts:

Check your baby's surroundings

Keep the temperature of the room your baby sleeps in at a comfortable temperature, between 16-20°C. Check whether something is rousing them or keeping them awake. If sunlight is streaming in through the window at 5am, consider putting up some blackout blinds. If a leaky nappy is the problem, try super-absorbent nappies made for night time use.

Leave them in their cot

If you want to break the habit of bringing your baby into your bed when they wake up, try to be consistent about keeping them in their cot until it's time to get up. Letting your baby self-soothe and settle back to sleep on their own can really help, especially after a nappy change, feed or waking in the night. You might have a week of tired mornings, but you may solve the issue in the long run.

Reduce daytime naps

If your baby takes long naps during the day, it's likely that they won't need as much sleep at night and will wake earlier in the morning. Every baby is different, but an hour's nap in the morning and again in the afternoon should be enough. Try not to let your baby sleep too late in the afternoon as this could upset your bed-time routine.

Consider changing bed-time

From around 6 months, most babies need 12-14 hours' sleep during a 24-hour period. However, all children are different, and your baby can only sleep so much. If your baby's sleep patterns are disrupting your home you may want to consider changing their bed-time but take your cue from them - they'll let you know when they're tired and are unlikely to settle if it's too early. Be sure not to make bed-time too late; if your baby is sleep-deprived they'll have more trouble sleeping soundly through the night and into the morning.

銷售點 Where to buy

可於哪裏選購Oilatum®產品? Where can I buy Oilatum® products?

Oilatum®產品現於萬寧、屈臣氏及HKTVmall等商戶有售,有關詳情,請瀏覽銷售點 Our products are available at stores including Mannings, Watsons and HKTVmall. For details please check Where to Buy.

嬰兒潤膚浸浴乳 Baby Bath Emollient

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嬰兒潤膚乳霜 Baby Cream Emollient

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潤膚皂 Soap Bar

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步驟 1:潔淨
Step 1: Cleansing
Baby Bath Emollient

500毫升樽裝 500ml bottle

舒緩乾燥痕癢,護理濕疹性肌膚 Relief and comfort of dry, itchy skin from eczema.

產品資料 Product Information

  • 配方與水融合,仿如浸牛奶浴,紓緩肌膚乾燥
  • 於皮膚形成「OHE 3重滋潤膜」, 有助減少水分流失,滋潤及軟化乾性肌膚,舒緩不適
  • 有助保護肌膚及預防乾燥
  • 嬰兒及小童適用
  • 無類固醇
  • 無色素
  • 無香料
  • 無皂性
  • Formulated to be mixed with water to produce a soothing rehydrating milky bath for dry skin.
  • Forms the OHE Hydration Film on the skin's surface to reduce moisture loss, soothe and soften dry skin and relieving discomfort.
  • Protects the skin and helps to prevent future dryness
  • Suitable for babies and children
  • Steroid free
  • Colourant free
  • Fragrance free
  • Soap free

使用方法 How to Use

  1. 將浸浴乳開水後使用。
  2. 毋須使用肥皂或梘液,Oilatum®嬰兒潤膚浸浴乳有效潔淨全身及乾燥部位。
  3. 浸浴:
    • 嬰兒浸浴:於浴盆注入適量溫水,然後倒入半蓋至2蓋浸浴乳,以紗巾輕輕洗浄全身。浴後毋須過水,用毛巾印乾即可。
    • 小童浸浴:於浴盆注入溫水約20厘米深,倒入1至3瓶蓋浸浴乳,浸10至20分鐘。浴後毋須過水,用毛巾印乾即可。
  4. 淋浴:
    • 以溫水淋濕皮膚後,用適量浸浴乳搽勻全身,輕輕按摩,沖洗後用毛巾印乾。
  1. Always use with water.
  2. Oilatum® Baby Bath Emollient is an effective cleanser for the entire body and visibly affected areas. It cleanses the skin without the need to use soap.
  3. Bath:
    • Babies: Add 1/2 to 2 capfuls to a small bath of water. Apply gently over the entire body. Do not rinse. Pat dry gently.
    • Children: Add 1-3 capfuls to a 20 cm bath of water. Soak for 10-20 minutes. Do not rinse. Pat dry gently.
  4. Shower:
    • Apply a small amount onto wet skin. Massage gently. Rinse and pat dry.

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步驟 2:潤膚
Step 2: Moisturise
Baby Cream Emollient

350毫升泵裝 350ml bottle with pump

臨牀證實,顯著紓緩肌膚乾燥痕癢,功效長達8小時* Clinically proven to significantly reduce dry skin itching for 8 hours*
*Data on file, 2014.

產品資料 Product Information

  • 嬰兒潤膚乳霜專為乾燥及濕疹性肌膚研製
  • 可於皮膚形成「OHE 3重滋潤膜」,全面滋潤及軟化肌膚
  • 嬰兒及小童適用
  • 無類固醇
  • 無色素
  • 無香料
  • Oilatum® Baby Cream Emollient has been specially developed for dry skin, including skin prone to eczema
  • This rich moisturising cream forms the OHE Hydration Film to effectively soothe and soften the skin
  • Suitable for babies and children
  • Steroid free
  • Colourant free
  • Fragrance free
  • Soap free

使用方法 How to Use

Apply to the affected area. Use as often as required. Suitable for moisturising skin after washing, to counteract the loss of essential oils from the skin.

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潤膚皂 Soap Bar

100克盒裝 100g bar

適合日常清潔乾性肌膚 Suitable for everyday cleansing for dry skin

產品資料 Product Information

For everyday use

如何使用 How to Use

Using a little warm water, massage the skin with soap. Rinse off and pat dry.
Soothe & Protect

嬰兒洗髮沐浴露 Baby Head to Toe Wash


嬰兒洗髮沐浴露 Baby Head to Toe Wash

300毫升樽裝 300ml bottle

專為紓緩肌膚乾燥而設,減少痕癢及刺激過敏 Developed to relieve the occurrence of dry, itchy skin and reduce irritation.

產品資料 Product Information

  • 不澀眼
  • 初生嬰兒及小童適用
  • 適合每日使用
  • 與皮膚科醫生合作研製
  • 配方溫和,有效清潔乾燥肌膚
  • 保護幼嫩肌膚的天然保濕層,以防水分進一步流失
  • 無類固醇
  • 無色素
  • 無皂性
  • Kind to eyes
  • Suitable for newborn babies and children
  • Everyday use
  • Developed with dermatologists
  • Contains ultra gentle, effective cleansers for dry skin
  • Helps to prevent the loss of moisture by protecting the natural moisture barrier of young skin
  • Steroid free
  • Colourant free
  • Soap free

使用方法 How to Use

倒於手或紗巾上,搓出泡沫,搽於濕潤肌膚及頭髮上,輕輕按摩,最後用水沖淨。 Pour onto hand or baby handkerchief, form lather and apply to wet skin and hair. Gently massage. Rinse with water.

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Deep Comfort Therapy
Adult Gentle Range

溫和保濕沐浴露 Gentle Hydrating Body Wash

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溫和保濕潤膚乳液 Gentle Moisturising Lotion

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深層滋潤霜 Rich Moisturising Cream

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成人強效護膚系列 Adult Intense Range

深層舒敏潔膚露 Intense Hydrating Cleanser

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深層舒敏乳霜 Intense Moisturising Cream

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Deep Comfort Therapy
Gentle Hydrating Body Wash

250 毫升支裝 250ml tube

沐浴於營養中 Bathe the skin in Nourishment

產品資料 Product Information

  • 含療癒之王『蓖麻籽油』、Ceramide NP、維他命原 B5 和甘油
  • 豐富營養讓皮膚沐浴於營養中
  • 溫和潔淨,同時深層療癒、舒緩乾燥肌膚,不會引起乾燥及刺激
  • 適合純素者
  • 經臨床皮膚科測試
  • Featuring the unique healing power of Castor oil, Ceramide NP, Pro-Vitamin B5, and Glycerin
  • Rich nutrients bathe the skin in nourishment
  • Gently cleanses, hydrates, and nourishes skin without irritation & drying out skin
  • Suitable for vegans
  • Clinical Dermatologically Tested

使用方法 How to Use

  1. 使用產品於濕潤的皮膚上按摩,再用溫水沖洗。每天使用以獲得最佳效果。
  2. 每次清洗後,可搭配您喜歡的 Oilatum® 保濕霜。
  1. Gently massage into wet skin and rinse off under warm running water. Use daily for best results.
  2. After each wash, pair with your preferred Oilatum® moisturiser.

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Deep Comfort Therapy
Gentle Moisturising Lotion

250 毫升泵裝 250ml bottle with pump

沉浸式滋潤 Immersive Moisture with Therapeutic and Deep Comforting

產品資料 Product Information

  • 含 5 種豐富『深層療癒』營養 : Ceramide NP、維他命原 B5、甘油、蓖麻籽油和天然植物精油
  • 『深層療癒』中滲透營養,讓肌膚享受沉浸式滋潤
  • 經臨床皮膚科測試: 有效改善肌膚滋潤度達 86% *
  • 輕型乳液,容易吸收且持久,適合早晚使用
  • Unique formulation of 5 ingredients: Ceramide NP, Pro-Vitamin B5, Glycerin, Shea Butter, and Natural Essential Oil (Sunflower seed oil, Rapeseed Oil, Castor Oil)
  • Deeply nourishing dry skin with immersive hydration
  • Clinical Dermatologically Tested: effectively improves skin hydration by 86% *
  • Light texture, fast absorption and long-lasting, suitable for morning and evening routine

*Clinical-Dermatological Application Study by dermatest, January 25th, 2023. A change of the skin moisture by 86% in 28 days in 30 respondents.

使用方法 How to Use

  1. 輕輕塗抹於所需位置,為達致最佳效果,可用作日常保濕霜。
  1. Apply gently onto the skin. For best results, use as a daily moisturiser.

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Deep Comfort Therapy
Rich Moisturising Cream

450 毫升罐裝 450ml jar

沉浸式滋潤 Immersive Moisture with Therapeutic and Deep Comforting

產品資料 Product Information

  • 含5種豐富『深層療癒』營養 : Ceramide NP、維他命原B5、甘油、乳木果油 和天然植物精油(向日葵籽油, 菜籽油, 蓖麻籽油)
  • 『深層療癒』中滲透營養,讓肌膚享受沉浸式滋潤
  • 經臨床皮膚科測試: 有效改善肌膚滋潤度達 96% *
  • 豐盈乳霜,深層滲透至滋養皮膚
  • 適合乾燥皮膚早晚使用。 可作沐浴後肌膚營養霜, 達致更佳效果
  • Unique formulation of 5 ingredients: Ceramide NP, Pro-Vitamin B5, Glycerin, Ricinus communis seed oil, and Natural Essential Oil (Sunflower seed oil, Rapeseed Oil, Castor Oil)
  • Deeply nourishing dry skin with immersive hydration
  • Clinical Dermatologically Tested: effectively improves skin hydration by 96% *
  • Rich texture, deep absorption to nourish and transform dry skin
  • Suitable for dry skin for morning and evening use. Apply as a nourishing cream after shower for superior results

*Clinical-Dermatological Application Study by dermatest, January 18th, 2023. A change of the skin moisture by 96% in 28 days in 30 respondents.

如何使用 How to Use

Apply gently onto the skin areas that need extra moisturisation. Use as often as required.

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Deep Comfort Therapy
Intense Hydrating Cleanser

200 毫升支裝 200ml tube

深層修癒 x 潔淨 2 合 1 Deep Nourishing x Cleansing 2-in-1 formulation

產品資料 Product Information

  • 專為清潔乾燥和濕疹性肌膚而設
  • 含礦物油成份修護肌膚屏障
  • 潔淨同時深層舒緩、滋潤,顯著改善脆弱皮膚
  • Suitable for very dry to eczema prone skin
  • Consists of mineral oil ingredients to repair the skin barrier
  • Cleanses while deeply soothing, moisturizing, significantly improving fragile skin

使用方法 How to Use

  1. 取適量潔膚露塗抹於濕潤的皮膚上,輕輕搓揉後,用溫水沖洗及抹乾。
  2. 為達致最佳效果,可搭配 Oilatum® 深層舒敏乳霜,以獲得長效保濕及滋潤效果。
  1. Gently massage into wet skin and rinse off under warm running water. Pat dry.
  2. For best results, use Oilatum® Intense Moisturising Cream after for long lasting and soothing moisturisation.

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Deep Comfort Therapy
Intense Moisturising Cream

200 克支裝 200g tube

燕麥療癒,超薄乳液,舒緩敏感肌 Oat therapy with ultra-light emulsion to soothe sensitive skin

產品資料 Product Information

  • 針對乾燥濕疹性皮膚
  • 含有天然燕麥及多種舒緩滋潤成分配方
  • 超薄乳液技術,秒速吸收且持久滋潤皮膚
  • 可日常用於臉部及全身
  • 經臨床皮膚科測試
  • 無香料
  • Suitable for dry and eczema prone skin
  • Unique formulation of Natural Oat and a variety of soothing, moisturizing ingredients
  • Ultra-Light texture for fast absorption and long-lasting
  • Clinical Dermatologically Tested
  • No fragrance

使用方法 How to Use

  1. 輕輕塗抹於所需位置。為達致最佳效果,可用作日常保濕霜。本產品適合日常頻繁使用。
  1. Apply gently onto the skin. For best results, use as a daily moisturiser. Suitable for frequent daily use.

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